
Thursday, October 27, 2011

This took longer to write than Rick Perry's tax plan

When Rick Perry announced that he would soon be releasing a tax plan, I was excited to see what he and his staff would come up with. I was fully expecting that it would be some kind of a flat tax that would attempt to compete with Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan (which you can read my analysis of by clicking here). I did not expect to like the plan, but I was ready to read it, analyze it and write my thoughts. As of this moment, I have spent more time writing this piece than Rick Perry did developing his tax plan.
Rick Perry gives his plan two thumbs up. The rest of us give it little consideration.

Rick Perry's plan is simple. If you pay less than 20% of your income in federal income tax right now, you can completely and totally ignore Perry's plan. If you pay more than 20%, you can now choose to pay 20% instead. So in reality, all Rick Perry's plan does is lower the top tax bracket from 35% to 20%. His plan helps those who are least in need of help and does little or nothing for anyone else.
I have to wonder, was Rick Perry sitting on the john when he came up with this? Did he jot it down on a cocktail napkin while he was waiting for a beer at a bar? Did 'Joe the Plummer' pull this one our of a toilet before he announced his run for congress? I think someone might have come up with it and flushed it, because it isn't worth the cocktail napkin it was written on.
I wish I could tell you more, but that is basically all there is to Perry's plan. It is yet another example of why he is absolutely unfit to serve as President of the United States of America.

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